Job Description
Technical support in selling WebSphere family of products. The candidate will support all aspects of the technical sales cycle including:
•Technical Discovery, providing product data
•Technical enablement sessions
•Proof of Concepts and Proof of Technologies
•Presentation and Demonstration of IBM WebSphere products
•Write proposals in the form of RFP/RFI responses
•Managing Post-Sales Relationship
•Work closely with the Sales team to develop new projects.
Experience and skills required:
Candidates should have these experience and skills
knowledge of WebSphere Process Integration products including WebSphere Integration Developer, WebSphere Business Monitor and WebSphere Business Modeler
ability to develop simple workflow applications
good understanding of enterprise IT environment including software/middleware components and software integration technologies
experiences with different operating systems, especially UNIX or Windows
software development or implementation experience in several projects
skills in presenting in front of customers and larger audiences
skills in preparing software demos and demonstrating software in front of customers
communication skills: ability to understand customer’s needs and explain the benefits of IBM products and offerings in an articulate manner, verbally and in writing
strong demonstrated track record in a consulting or systems integration firm is a plus
fluent in English language
Последние комментарии
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