В общем ставлю..я дро у меня 2.6.9, всё нормально, потом запускается vmware-configure.pl, спрашивает, хочу ли я собрать модуль vmmon.. я говорю, что хочу, а он:
Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel.
None of VMware Workstation’s pre-built vmmon modules is suitable for your
running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for
your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes]
Using compiler «/usr/bin/gcc». Use environment variable CC to override.
What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running
kernel? [/lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667aspsmp/build/include]
Extracting the sources of the vmmon module.
Building the vmmon module.
Using 2.6.x kernel build system.
make: Entering directory `/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only'
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667aspsmp/build/include/.. SUBDIRS=$PWD SRCROOT=$PWD/. modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667aspsmp/build'
CC [M] /tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o
/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:131: warning: initialization fromincompatible pointer type
/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:135: warning: initialization fromincompatible pointer type
CC [M] /tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.o
/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c: In function `HostIF_FreeLockedPages’:
/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c:738: error: structure has no member named `count'
/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c:740: error: structure has no member named `count'
make[2]: * [/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only/linux/hostif.o] Ошибка 1
make[1]: * [_module_/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only] Ошибка 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/lib/modules/2.6.9-1.667aspsmp/build'
make: * [vmmon.ko] Ошибка 2
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config3/vmmon-only'
Unable to build the vmmon module.
For more information on how to troubleshoot module-related problems, please
visit our Web site at «http://www.vmware.com/download/modules/modules.html» and
Execution aborted.
Почему он его собирать не хочет ? help plz..
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